China Makes Great Progress in Combating Trafficking in Women and Children: Expert

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China Makes Great Progress in Combating Trafficking in Women and Children: Expert

 July 3, 2023

GENEVA, June 29 (Xinhua) — China has attached great importance to protecting the rights of women and children and has made great progress in combating trafficking in women and children, a Chinese expert told the ongoing 53rd session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council on Wednesday.

During an interactive dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on human trafficking, Bianba Lamu, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, said that the number of cases of human trafficking crimes in China dropped by 88.3 percent from 2013 to 2021.

She attributed this achievement to the Chinese government's great efforts and the implementation of a multi-sectoral mechanism, increased international cooperation, and the contribution of anti-trafficking forces from all sectors of Chinese society.

She said that China recognizes that the fight against human trafficking is a systemic project that requires joint efforts.

"China strives to establish and improve the integrated working mechanism involving prevention, combat, rescue and resettlement, to tackle the root cause of the problem and address it in a comprehensive manner," she said.


(Source: Xinhua)


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